First, the power window on my car is broken. It won’t go up unless I give it a manual assist. Difficult in traffic, particularly since it’s a manual transmission. I knew it must be time for auto repairs, I was just starting to think I was going to get my credit card paid off. Dang.
I got a haircut on Saturday. The woman who cuts my hair is tiny, pierced and tattooed. She’s a very young single mom with two kids a little younger than mine. We talk about parenting. We pretty much see things eye to eye. She’s great. But she forgot to trim my ear hairs. One of the things age does to you is destroy your close up eyesight about the same time it starts producing hairs in places where they never really grew that much before. I’m sure you’ve all seen the look. So there I am walking around with pretty much white sidewalls and long curly hairs, the only dark ones on my head, are sticking out from the tops of my massive pink ears. I think your ears continue to grow as you get older as well. Think about Lyndon Johnson. I put my reading glasses on and looked in the mirror and realized the hairs in my nostrils needed a good trim as well. So I says to myself, I wonder what google has to say about nose hair. I found toys and art. As well as a dizzying array of devices devoted keeping your nostrils clean cut. Remember the scene in L. A. Confidential when the chief or whoever was trimming his nose hairs just before they hung him out of the window? That really impressed me. Rich guys almost never have those hairs. Do their barbers remember to trim them? Do they wax? Are they rich because they’re compulsively well groomed or is it the other way around?
The nose hair movie reminds that I stated earlier that I was going to explain my career as an in-betweener. I’ll get to that tomorrow.
Later, youngsters.