OK sorry about the long post, I know no one reads them, but I had to do it anyway. Thanks to those who took the time.
Now I’m going to rant.
The youngest daughter is a sophmore in High School. She’s taking AP (advanced placement) Biology, well known as one of the toughest classes you can take at her school. She’s gotten through one semester without totally gutting her GPA and has come to terms with me not letting her drop it. But here’s the problem. They are currently studying evolution. There is a kid in her class that’s an Evangelical literal interpreter of the Bible. He’s on a mission to disprove Darwin. In class. I feel for the teacher. This little ass munch is continually interupting with info from some book he’s read that gives the fundamentalist rebuttal to Darwin’s theory. One of the things he’s brought up is “the odds against evolution occurring.” OK, I play a little poker and I think I understand probabilities a little. How in the name of Des Cartes does one figure those odds??? This little shit is spewing his ignorance in a class that’s supposed to be teaching science. If he doesn’t care to hear the scientific point of view, then he should go take comparitive religion if he wants to discuss and debate. I try to have an open mind about the religious beliefs of others. Everyone gets to make up there own story about the stuff that’s beyond human understanding. I’d just ask mister world created in seven days to shut up and listen and let those who might be interested in the accepted view of science on the origin of species learn something. My kid is in class trying to learn. You can spew your religious beliefs elsewhere, thank you very much!
I personally think that evolution and Christianity aren’t mutually exclusive beliefs. You just have to understand that some things are beyond human understanding. Evolution explains the whole thing in terms of scientific evidence that is comprehendable by us mere mortals. If the odds, however they figure them, are so high against that carbon atom hooking up with that hydrogen atom and getting things going, then doesn’t that speak to the hand of higher power being involved. I just wish the teacher was able in this scary world to tell the misguided little Bible pounder to shut up and let her teach. I mean, shit, it’s just a theory, right?

5 thoughts on “

  1. Man… that must be very annoying… and exactly… its a THEORY of evolution… and that bible pounder should be open to listening other points of view on the origin of life…  and I’m sure the little boy doesn’t even know what he is talking about… he is probably spitting out the books he read word for word… He should take the time to open his mind to all views… many Christians are very defensive… and choose not to hear other points of view… because they fear it may ruin their faith… but isn’t it so much better to hear all points of views and doubting your faith once in awhile?  I believe that can makes ones faith even stronger… and its totally true… Theory of Evolution and Religion don’t cross each out… I know many Christians that agree that Theory of Evolution is possible… It is sad that some Chrisitans that take the bible word for word and drag God down to our level… just to make their life so much simpler… people with real faith know… God and religion is not simple and it is not there for our complete understanding… I hate writing like this.. I feel I probably contradicted myself.. or if I expressed it in the right way… whatever… if I was the student in that class… I will probably throw a science book at his head… I think that will do more good than actually talking to a narrow minded person like that

  2. growl… his parents should know better than to let him take a class like that. or perhaps that’s why he’s there? it’s probably the science geeks who need christ the most? 😉

  3. Well, before I point out that I agree, I should mention my aversion to the “it’s just a theory” stance, because people tend to connote that as “it’s just one of many of the hokey ideas that might be right, and therefore it shouldn’t be taken seriously.”  Evolution is a theory like gravity is a theory.  We don’t understand all the mechanisms of either, but I don’t see fundies walking out of high-storey windows because gravity’s “just a theory,” you know?  Evolution is the theoretical framework for what scientists have come to accept as fact–that being that living things do evolve.  And that’s how it should be taught in any public school, because any respectable institution of higher learning is going to acknowledge it as such, and expect the same from students who want to seriously learn biology, and that’s what our high schools are ostensibly preparing kids for, right?

    Anyway, I agree that it just happens too often that schools have to pander to points of view that are rooted in nothing more than religious doctrine.  And you’re right about mutual exclusivity.  I mean, I personally turned away from my religious beliefs, but others have worked the two understandings together.  The Pope, for example, has acknowledged the veracity of evolution.  And he hasn’t thrown in his . . . you know, that big hat thing.

  4. Thanks for elaborating on the “theory” angle. I agree and was kind of tongue in cheek when I said that, but I’m glad you made the point. And much more eloquently than I could.

  5. Hmmm . . . Maybe it is okay that he talks about his views in class – as long as he is not disrupting the class or affecting how everyone else learns.  I mean, it would be silly to think that he could potentially sway other students into viewing creationism as a more valid stance than evolution.  And, I find that most evangelical kids are totally unprepared for the rest of the world b/c they are usually cloistered in their communities and never get a chance to debate their views (which, unfortunately, are often just drilled into them by their parents).  My boyfriend was home-schooled in a Christian evangelical environment and it was obvious that he was never really given the chance to discuss different views.  He just learned to repeat doctrine. Maybe it is an opportunity for everyone to grow and learn – not about evolution or religion, but about the differences that exist among us.  But I think the main point is that religion and science are incredibly complicated – and that if he IS disrupting an already challenging class, he should be kept from doing so.  I remember those damn AP classes.  But maybe everyone should be a little bit more open to his wackiness – in the end, it could probably only help.  On a lighter note, this exact conflict (science v. religion) is the center of the idea for the book “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown, of “The Da Vinci Code” fame.   If you like a thriller every now and then . . . plus it is filled with scores of historical details that will make you want to cross-reference for hours at a time.  HAVE A WEEk, as you say.

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