Lost 6-0;6-3. Had fun.
A sketch from an old sketchbook found laying around the house. This must have been done sometime in the 80’s. Not sure who it’s supposed to be. Probably just practicing by drawing from photographs. The standard art school reasoning is that drawing from photographs just isn’t good. You’ve got to have live models. Naked preferably. I say it’s a hell of a lot better than not drawing at all.
I’m sure every former art student remembers that first life drawing class with the nude model. In my case, as usual, I was out of the loop as to what was going on. Let’s see, that would have been 1968. Can’t imagine me being out of the loop. More like I was into what the loop was made from. Anyway, I walk into the class and there’s the model sitting on a stool next to the platform in a bathrobe. Until that point it had been students in leotards. That’s what I was expecting. I found myself a donkey (that’s actually what they call those wierd drawing benches) and got out my pad of newsprint and my conte crayon start rolling my shoulders around to loosen up and make the girls in the class think I was serious. The model, climbed on to the platform and dropped the bathrobe. I let out an audible gasp. Figure drawing studio models come in all shapes and sizes, this woman came in the shape and size of a young goddess. Her name was Naomi and she was an art student at the U. She drove a red jeep. Damn, I wonder if I can find those drawings. Maybe I didn’t do any. I was probably having a hard time balancing the drawing board.

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