Friday Night Lights

When I went downstairs to the garage after work today, my car was gone. “Damn, I’m sure that I parked it in my normal spot.” I’ve risen to the level in life where I have reserved parking at work. Underground no less. I had my keys. I didn’t get a ride with anyone for lunch, I just cruised home for a bit. It was 5:30 and Beck needed the car at 6. “Gangestad, we have a problem.”

Someone had grabbed my keys off my desk and moved it out into the parking lot. I’d had a really exasperating day. I kind of popped a bolt over it, before I started buying into the humor of it. I know who did it. I will get my revenge.

Becky went to a play with some of the women from the neighborhood. I headed over to the smoke shop for a stogie. I started thinking about the full moon and October nights and my mind drifted over to high school football. It was a perfect night, not cold but clear and crisp. I decided it would be a perfect night to go see my niece’s boy play football for the number one team in the state, Eden Prairie. At six feet and two-twentyfive he’s an undersized offensive guard. I asked the boys at the shop if they knew where Eden Prairie High was, and they gave me a vague discription and mentioned that it was kind of a maze over in that part of town. I came home and googled the location, printed a couple of maps and headed out. About five minutes after I turned off of 169 I was completely disoriented. I drove around for awhile, thinking I could find it with dead reckoning and luck. Then it dawned on me. Look for the lights. I looked up and there they were. Had to be a stadium. So I drove toward the lights. I found a parking place about a half mile from the stadium, downhill. I got all the way down to the ticket counter when I saw that I was at the home of the Hawks. Eden Prairie is the Eagles. Eagles, Hawks, Falcons we have a regular raptor center around here. I was in Chaska, the next town over.

I made the long trudge back to my car and started to drive home. I had visions of myself as one of those poor people whe drive off and are found six states over, dead of exposure in a gulley, picked over by coyotes. But soon enough I got to a road I recognized, and now here I sit safe and sound, listening to my cat crunch his food while he thinks about his next piss attack.

2 thoughts on “Friday Night Lights

  1. Your attempts at doing what seems good and right sound like mine.

    and I’ve missed you! Where have you been? Life on xanga is so dull I’m half ready to give it up. I only said half. 🙂

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