Tayler Hill is an eighth grader. She’s 5’9″ and plays for the Minneapolis South Tigers. She was selected as a first team all-metro player. She lead the City Conference, averaging 21 ppg. She’s also cute as a button. She’d look great in Maroon and Gold!

She’s in the State Tournament as are the two Gopher recruits for next year, Katie Ohm, from Elgin-Millville who broke the all time Minnesota career scoring record this year and Ashley Ellis-Milan a 6’2″ power player last year got 24 rebounds in a game against a very tough Minneapolis North team.

I love March!

7 thoughts on “

  1. I’ve got to ask this, what the fuck is an eighth grader doing in a state tournament? I mean, I love sports. I played five in high school. I’ve coached multiple ones, youth and high school, and I hate, I hate overcompetitive stuff too young. I like Middle School sports without playoffs. I like JV sports without playoffs. I like the maximum number of kids playing. I’d favor multiple teams from big high schools.

    And in general I find that for every one kid who benefits from early heavy competition there are 50 who are hurt by it, and those are bad odds.

    I love March, but not for 14-year-olds.

  2. I agree, and I hate much of the youth sport culture as well, but she is what she is and she’s better off playing at an appropriate level than dominating other girls her age, a situation where no one benefits. I just hope she doesn’t burn out, I’ve seen it so many times before.

  3. 8th grade?  that’s just goofy.  was talking to a friend from MN today about 7th and 8th graders playing on high school teams.  stupid, if you ask me. 

  4. I’ve got a question: In most states you’re limited to four years of high school “participation.” Small schools are allowed to play 8th graders, but if they do, they need to miss one year of high school (in Michigan they’d need to miss one full year-every sport, but in other states just in that sport). I assume Minnesota allows a high school athlete to play as many years as she/he wants?

  5. so, i gots this idea for a new sport….

    it’s kinda like a mix between footbal, baseball, hockey, and basketball.

    you gots these four bases, right, and at each base is a net, about the size of a hockey goal, but about 20 feet up in the air.  there are four teams, each one with its own base.  the baseball part comes in now.  one team is offense, while the other three are defense.  the field is layed out like a huge ass baseball diamond, i guess it would be a wierd looking diamond, but anyway, the basketball part is that they have to bounce the ball, a foursquare ball, or dodgeball, into the center of the field, where one of their teamates is standing, he/she then procedes to whack the hell out of the ball into one of the nets.  the football part is great, because there are no outs, but each player has 10 seconds to try to get the ball into a net, using a paddle, an old school wooden oar, and if they cannot within the given 10 seconds, it becomes full contact, at which point in time the player has to get the ball into a net before he/she is ground into the earth by the opposing team.

    the cool part about is the fact that you have four teams competing against each other, which can lead to some pretty cool scoring.  its co-ed, so it defenitely can lead to some pretty good scoring…

    yeah, scoring…

  6. Good for young Tayler.  I too, hope she doesn’t burn out too quickly, and that her parents are supportive but not pushy — that’s quite a fine line to walk when you’ve got a super-talented kid, I bet.

  7. She’s on to fame isn’t she?

    Oh, that would get old, the regular who bragged about his claim to fame. I’ve got one of those. A biker dude (not that there’s anything wrong with biker dudes) who lives down the road SWEARS on his mother’s grave (one more reason to despise him) that he got high with dylan in 1969 (idiot said Woodstock so I knew he was lying)

    I may have to come visit that place. I actually plan one day to come to Minnesota. Dylan has a farm there. Maybe I can get a job as a ranch hand.


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