Daily Archives: January 8, 2004

Let’s Talk About Me!
Brief biographical notes

I’m 54 years old.
I’ve been a recovering alcoholic for close to 19 years.
I’m a lousy speller with a short attention span.
I fly fish, but only because I think the clothes look cool.
I love the sport of basketball, although I never was much of a player.
I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on the Westside. I moved to Moorhead, Minnesota in 1954. Had nightmares about the High Bridge.
I attended Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota.
My father was a cattle buyer at the West Fargo Union Stockyards, My mother had, along with her sisters, an incredible sense of humor. My dad died in 1970 when I was 20. My mother died in 1992. They were in their forties when I was born. I have a brother and a sister, I am by several years the youngest. An afterthought or no thought at all. I suspect the latter. My Dad was a recovering alcoholic who quit before I was born. Was I a sobriety baby?
I have been a bartender, a tow boat hand, fought forest fires, two of which I started myself, driven a taxi, worked in a machine shop, been a block layers assistant, short order cook, taught art, guarded the rich, been an animator (OK in-betweener), an illustrator, graphic designer and now I’m the Poster Child for the Peter Principle. Yeah, he’s a pretty good artist, let’s make him a manager. OH YEAH!
I have a beautiful and talented wife and two beautiful and talented daughters.

I’m so tired!
Too much adrenalin pumping after getting home from tennis at 10:30. Stayed up and wrote until after midnight. Layed awake for awhile and then got horrendous cramps in my lower legs just above the ankles. It felt like my foot and calf muscles were trying to snap my shin bones. I got up and tried to walk them off without success. I actually got sick to my stomach from the pain. This seems to be happening more regularly as I get older. Any advice on what to do?

By the way The Old Pea Picker was Tennesse Ernie Ford. I got 0 answers.