All posts by Bob Keller


Mark Harden’s Artchive

Mark Harden has put together a very comprehensive site featuring scans of museum quality art from the masters. Simply the best resource for examples of great art througout history.

The silence of the drive shall be broken

I drive a beater. Actually I love my car, it’s not sexy on the outside, a ’92 Accord wagon. But with a manual transmission, it’s a sports car in grocery getter clothing. I’m holding tight for as long as I can, I’ll have girls in college ’til ’10. But the radio died about six months ago and that makes the drive pretty vacant. I found out how cheap you can get a CD player installed, but my wife is such a skinflint that she didn’t think I should spend a honeybee on a car that might not last through the winter. I might not last through the winter without tunes! And how am I supposed to know what’s going on without public radio!! So the little sweety got me one for Christmas. We’re headed for Best Buy while the Christmas Turkey carcass boils away to make stock for the wild rice soup that we’re making with the 5 pounds of wild rice left over. And tomorrow I can boogie into work!


I think that this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time. Princess Ann’s English Bull Terrier killed one of the Queen’s beloved Korgis! Wouldn’t you have loved to been there. Once again, problems at Buckingham caused by inbreeding.

Check out Mike Reed’s hilarious Flame Warriors. A sendup of Web culture that contains a managerie of characters that every chat room and message board denizon will recognize.

Where to begin…


I just spent an hour writing a little ciriculum vitae and purpose statement for this site. Oh well…let’s just say I’ll be writing about literature, art and music. With occasional rants about politics, raising teenagers, basketball and tennis.
I’m an artist by profession, but my career has been cursed by the Peter Principle and I currently manage a large advertising production shop with 21 artists. I don’t get much board work these days so I get my creative rocks off where I can. I do some writing, some computer art and play a little guitar.

Here’s an example from my editorial days doing spot illustrations for publications. I love working in this casual humorous style.