Daily Archives: April 27, 2005

I’m steaming. Quinn works at a dry cleaner part time, after school and Saturdays. Her boss is a total bitch. This fat, lazy, nuerotic, holier than thou Christian bitch who drives the high school kids who work there away within a couple of months of their hiring. Quinn put in her notice last week because she wasn’t going to let them off on the day of prom.

Awhile ago there was a squabble with a customer over some damage to a shirt. Quinn was there when he came in to complain. They told him there was no guarentee on damaged buttons, but they took the shirt back with the understanding that they were going to fix it. According to Quinn, there was no mention that it was going to be done for free. The customer assumed that it was, the store assumed that it wasn’t. There was a manager from the plant in the store at the time. The customer came to get the shirt and refused to pay. They wouldn’t give it to him. A month passed. He came in when Quinn was working and asked for the shirt. There was an invoice on it that said “No Charge.” It was stapled over the invoice for alterations. Quinn didn’t see it and assumed that the manager and customer had come to some kind of agreement.

When Quinn came into work today, bitch woman tells her that she’s docking her paycheck $30 for letting him have the shirt. And that she’d just cash her paycheck and pay her in cash out of the till, minus the thirty. From my bartending days I knew that was totally illegal in Minnesota. If I’d had to pay for breakage, I would have owed the bar money. It took about two minutes to find the law on the Department of Labor Website. Not only that, for that woman to “cash” her check and pay her out of the till smacks of check fraud to me.

I’m just furious. I think the bitch isn’t doing it as a representative of the business, but simply planning on pocketing the thiry herself. Or is afraid to tell her boss that the shirt left the premises and was just going to ring it up as a cash transaction to make herself look good. My first temptation is to go in there tomorrow and plop the printout from the Website down in front of Jabba the Manager and ask her to read it out loud for me. And then if she gives me any “I’m just doing what I’m told” bullshit, I’ll ask her to get her boss on the phone so I can explaing the law to her.

But I suppose a wise parent would just let the kid work it out for herself.

I’ve never lived in a placed that required a water softener. Well maybe a couple of summers when my parents moved across the Red River to West Fargo. Moorhead, the town I grew up in (I know everybody loves Moorhead) had an artesian well that pulled pure, great tasting water from the limestone below the valley. Minneapolis, where my little burb buys it’s water, gets it from the Mississippi River. I know that doesn’t sound too good, but remember we’re upstream. Not much industrial crap gets in before it get here. Probably plenty of ag chemicals though. Anyway they run it through whatever processing they run it through and it comes out tasting pretty good and doesn’t need to be softened.

When I was a kid I couldn’t drink the water in Fargo. And my wife’s hometown…gross, you can’t even make coffee with it. I don’t know where the water at work comes from but it tastes like iodine. I’ve been trying to drink more water and less coffee at work but it’s tough to choke that crap down. A couple of days ago one of the women in the office pointed out a source of filtered water. Much better.

Wow, that was interesting. I never rode a school bus to school either.