Daily Archives: February 16, 2004

I wasn’t old enough to pick up on my sister’s romantic life as a teenager, she was in college by the time I was 5. So now that I live in a housefull of women, including two teenagers, I’m getting a new perspective on the boy-girl thing. I know that the archtypical role of the father of young girls is to hate teenage boys, but lately I’m feeling sorry for them. I see them becoming infatuated and then watch my daughters drive them crazy. Someone told me that when young girls have a good relationship with their fathers, they don’t throw themselves into serious relationships with the first boy that comes along. I’ve always felt like I was kind of stoopid about the way I deal with my children, but maybe not. Anyway I’m very proud that these girls seem to be able to handle themselves well in the war between the sexes. I could elaborate with some hilarious examples but that would make for an icy atmosphere here on the edge of the graveyard if they found out I’m publicizing the details of their love lives.
Have a week!