OK sorry about the long post, I know no one reads them, but I had to do it anyway. Thanks to those who took the time.
Now I’m going to rant.
The youngest daughter is a sophmore in High School. She’s taking AP (advanced placement) Biology, well known as one of the toughest classes you can take at her school. She’s gotten through one semester without totally gutting her GPA and has come to terms with me not letting her drop it. But here’s the problem. They are currently studying evolution. There is a kid in her class that’s an Evangelical literal interpreter of the Bible. He’s on a mission to disprove Darwin. In class. I feel for the teacher. This little ass munch is continually interupting with info from some book he’s read that gives the fundamentalist rebuttal to Darwin’s theory. One of the things he’s brought up is “the odds against evolution occurring.” OK, I play a little poker and I think I understand probabilities a little. How in the name of Des Cartes does one figure those odds??? This little shit is spewing his ignorance in a class that’s supposed to be teaching science. If he doesn’t care to hear the scientific point of view, then he should go take comparitive religion if he wants to discuss and debate. I try to have an open mind about the religious beliefs of others. Everyone gets to make up there own story about the stuff that’s beyond human understanding. I’d just ask mister world created in seven days to shut up and listen and let those who might be interested in the accepted view of science on the origin of species learn something. My kid is in class trying to learn. You can spew your religious beliefs elsewhere, thank you very much!
I personally think that evolution and Christianity aren’t mutually exclusive beliefs. You just have to understand that some things are beyond human understanding. Evolution explains the whole thing in terms of scientific evidence that is comprehendable by us mere mortals. If the odds, however they figure them, are so high against that carbon atom hooking up with that hydrogen atom and getting things going, then doesn’t that speak to the hand of higher power being involved. I just wish the teacher was able in this scary world to tell the misguided little Bible pounder to shut up and let her teach. I mean, shit, it’s just a theory, right?