Smilestone. er Milestone ReachedForgive the aweful pun. Or don’t. It’s a big moment here on the edge of the graveyard. The youngest got her braces off, we are an Orthodontia Free Family! Now you might think that this frees up some money for us, but I got real creative with financing this miracle of oral engineering. I couldn’t tell you if I’ve already paid for it or I’m going to be paying for it for the rest of my life. We seem to move debt around like a frisbee on Venice Beach. Just about everyone these days has some experience with braces. Suffered through the pain of torn lips, the pain of newly tightned torture devices, the pain of monthly payment. Anybody ever get locked up when kissing your girlfriend who had braces as well? I never got in many fights, but it seems like the ones I got into were when I had braces. Bloodbath, literally. And of course there was the great sacrifice of not chewing gum for a couple of years. Yeah right, everybody stuck to that rule.
Have you noticed how many more adults are doing braces these days. There’s a woman in my office who I thought was a crabby bitch for the longest time, but then I realized she never smiled cause she had braces on. Turns out shes actually one of the bright lights in the crowd. My kids admitted that it’s not fair but the way you look is important. Which, I think is a good reason for me to trim my ear and nose hairs more often.
Adios fellow travellers.