Daily Archives: January 24, 2004

I was in great self indulgent form today. I went out to buy some art supplies. And I came home with a guitar. I dropped into Music-Go-Round and when I saw this axe I thought now that’s a pretty guitar, a Gretch, it was priced way below what I’d expect to pay. Considerably below what I was figuring to spend for a folk guitar, something I, well needed is probably too strong a word. Now you have to understand that I’m not a rich man and I just popped for a camera. It was funny, me on the phone in the music store trying to sweet talk my wife into not killing me if I brought it home. I appealed to her love of good deals and it’s one of those instruments that dresses up a room, so I risked a couple of weeks of domestic unrest and now I own a Gretsch Hawaiian Style acoustic guitar with built in pick-ups so I can play through an amp.

Yesterday on Public Radio I heard someone talking about blogging. I can’t remember who it was and I can’t identify the source of the quote he used but here it is. “The only people that have freedom of the press are the ones who own one.” Or something like that. His focus was the way that bloggers are effecting the presidential campaign, but I think what he’s saying applys to blogging and the internet in general. It’s a new paradigm for publishing. It’s never been easier or cheaper to publish to a huge audience. So, blog brothers and sisters, BRING IT ON!