Daily Archives: February 24, 2006

Sad and Angry

I didn’t know this was going on. I can’t believe it. Well maybe I can.

A funeral for a local soldier killed in Iraq was picketed by anti-gay protesters. They claim that God is killing American soldiers because the country tolerates gays. A photo in the paper showed them with a sign that said, “Thank God of IEDs.” I’m completely stunned by the hatefulness and heartlessness of these people who would use this ultimately personal and private event to spew their hateful message. In the name of Jesus. In the name of the Christianity that I was taught to believe was loving, gracious and forgiving.

There is a faction in the country that feels that if you are against the war, you’re unpatriotic and unsupportive of our troops. I’m of the opinion you can hate the war but love the soldiers. Whether you agree with the country’s decision or not, you have to respect the young men and women who put life and limb in danger because their country asked them to. I don’t see that protesting a war is unnecessary, and even harmful, to the country as being unpatriotic.

But I do see the actions of these Fred Phelps followers as unpatriotic, un-Christian, and hateful.