Daily Archives: January 25, 2006

I stopped at the on my way home from work to buy raisins for the Cuban dish I was going to be making. I bought a cucumber, lettuce, spinach, a green pepper, Ruby Red, V8, a small container of ground cumin and some chicken breasts. But no raisins.

I’m reading Moby Dick. It’s for my book group. I’ve tried to read it a couple of times before and not been able to get by the archaic language and the shear volume of the volume. But now I’m finding it immensely entertaining and actually a pleasant, if not easy, read. This is good because I’ve been having trouble reading for several months now. Can’t concentrate long enough, just can’t sit still. Really can’t get motivated to do anything but play the guitar and even that’s been haphazard, with no real direction or growth to it. A lot going on lately. Nothing I really write publicly about, other than saying that the uncertainty of my job situation is making me nuts. Let me just say that I’m feeling better now.

I scheduled surgery on my left big toe for March 1. It’s felt like someone was driving a hot ten penny nail through it for about a year now. And no it’s not gout. They’re going to clean up the joint and “decompress” it, shave some bone away so it has more room to move up and down. Six weeks in a surgical boot. I’m glad it’s my left foot, so I can at least drive.