It’s been an eventful week!
A fire destroyed a butter plant in New Ulm, MN, melting 1 million pounds of butter! In some places the butter was two feet thick on the ground. A refrigeration train carrying 100 tons of lobsters slid off the track and dumped it’s load into the mess, creating the biggest lobster feed in history.
OK, I lied about the last part.
Q got her dream job. She gets paid in T-shirts CD’s and concert tickets, but it’s her first step to owning a record label! And she gets to give away lots of free stuff! Which will make her very popular. And she just might be the coolest kid in the twin cities!
Beck called me at work on Friday at about 2:30. She wanted me to take her to the emergency room. Her left arm was tingling. Being a Hard Ass Norwegian, she really didn’t want to go, but the nurse she called talked her into it. And then she tried to get me to talk her out of it, but I wouldn’t. So we went and she was fine. No heart problem, just a pinched nerve. Too much Yoga.
I got my acoustic guitar back. The guy ground down the tail piece and adjusted the neck and secured the electronics for the pickup so they don’t flop around inside and adjusted the pick guard. For thirty-five bucks. It plays so much easier and sounds so much better!
Today Q and I went to see the Gopher Women play Kansas. Q forthrightly explained to me that she knew I bought the tickets for the family and she liked to go with me, but just to be with me. She really doesn’t like basketball that much. Kansas lost their last game to a D-2 team so it figured to be a blow out. But the Jayhawks came out shooting and the Gopherettes couldn’t buy a basket and found themselves down 20-4, or something like that. I was never worried though. They just couldn’t match up for a whole game. I was right, we won by 17.
They drew 8,000 fans for a non conference game when the Vikings were on TV!
Have a great week, amigos!