Daily Archives: May 13, 2004

I’m probably going to get in trouble for this, but I feel that it’s an important social issue that needs to be addressed. It’s just unfair. There’s an unwritten rule that when a man is talking to a woman he cannot break the plane, in other words he must lock his eyes on hers and never let them follow their instinctive path to the woman’s breasts. I’m told that women really hate it when you do that.

Before I go any further I need to offer the disclaimer that I’m not that big of a breast fan. If you met my wife you’d know that large breasts aren’t a requirement for me as far as attractiveness goes. However, I do think that we (men) are hardwired to check those lovely orbs out whenever possible. It probably goes back to something Darwinean, just before we came down from the trees.

So here’s my problem. Women design themselves to make it almost IMPOSSIBLE not to break the plane. I see this everywhere. I’m talking to a woman and trying desperately to maintain eye contact, but she’s wearing an amulet around her neck that’s beutiful and meant to be looked at. I mean, what’s it there for? The amulet is framed by the triangle formed by an open collar the lower vertex (lower vertex?) of which shows a tantalizing peak of cleavage. Damn it! Any graphic designer will tell you that you’ve created an arrow that virtually points to the forbidden zone and the eye just naturally follows.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not advocating burkas. I’m just asking for a little forgiveness and understanding when our eyes momentarily wander while talking to you. It doesn’t mean we don’t value you for your personhood. It just means we’re ANIMALS!