Daily Archives: April 8, 2004

Old man tennis again tonight. I’m playing better all the time. I made some great shots at the net. We played three tough sets, I practically had to crawl to the car. In the last set I was up two break points on my serve and lost. I did pull off a classic serve and volley point though. I got my serve down the middle hard and Glen got all of it on the return cross court and right to me. I was moving in and vollied it hard cross court right back at him and just kept coming behind it. I was all the way to the net when his next shot crossed over about dead center and I blew one by him right at his feet. On the flip side there were at least two occasions when I thought I had overheads lined up, took a big swing and went under the ball. I guess I was thinking I could still jump. The best part of the night was when we when Glen was introducing my partner and I to the new guy. My hearing sucks but not as bad as this guy. Although it’s almost impossible for anyone over fifty to hear anything in an indoor tennis court.
Glen: “Joe this is Don.”
Joe: “Scott?”
Don: “Yup”
Glen: “And this is Bob.”
Joe: “Bud?”
Bob (in his mind) “Never mind.”
I like Scotty and Bud as names for a doubles team anyway. It’s got that cable knit sweater and wooden raquet feel about it. “Muffy, be a dear and bring us some gin and tonics please.”