I thought that this note alone would make a pretty good entry this morning. I found it on the basement door when I got home last night after watching the game with a friend. But when I got up this morning, still half asleep and was starting to make coffee, as I poured out the last dregs of the old pot, this is what I found sitting in the garbage disposal. At first I thought it was a discarded leftover until I saw a clawed foot. It was still alive! You should have seen me trying to get it out of there. I resisted the temptation to just push it down and turn on the disposal. I had heavy work gloves on and I still didn’t want to touch it. I used a garden spade to get him out and Becky trapped him in a container.
What the hell was he doing sleeping in the garbage disposal? And if he was locked in the basement….how did he get upstairs!!! Did Ollie catch him and decided he wasn’t tastie enough and drop him in the disposal like a good fastidious cat would? Or are bats thrill seekers that like to sleep inches away from whirling death? YIKES!