Don’t Fuck With The Constitution!
Just when I thought the White House had reached the limits of cynical, dishonest and mean spirited self promotion and stupidity, they announce that they are backing a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage. I don’t care if you are the most virulent homophobe in the fifty states, this should make you cringe. It’s a bad idea! “Those who can’t remember history are doomed to repeat it.” Anyone remember prohibition? (No jokes about me being alive then) That was a constitutional amendment. Worked great didn’t it.
Not that I think it has a chance of actually happening. It’s a cynical attempt to polarize the coming election. “So, Mr. Kerry, you’re against the marriage amendment? You don’t believe in marriage? You’re in favor of homosexuality?” Let’s just split this country apart a little more. God, I hope this thing backfires. I hope that even the social conservatives see it for what it is. I hope that it mobilizes the political margins (more likely). I think the bushmiester is vulnerable right now. I’m also convinced that they have some stunt up their sleeves that will shoot their ratings over the top as we get nearer to November. Wanna bet that Osama turns up dead around, say October 20th? They probably have him in a cave somewhere, just waiting for the most politically advantageous time to drill him and say he was killed in a raid to capture him.
Mark my words, dreamfish.