Daily Archives: September 26, 2009

Exploring other opportunities

stogiemanIt’s been awhile since I’ve floated in the blogosphere. I used to be on Xanga, Bkeller49, but I’ve opted to come over to WordPress for the flexibility, and I suppose the bigger audience. I’ve had a site at this address for years, I had big plans for a money making concern based on writing about my myriad hobbies and selling stuff along with it. It was WAY too ambitious and scattered. So I’m resurrecting this site with a couple of intentions.

I want to chronicle the big life change I’m making. Wednesday is my last day working for Dex. I’ve spent the last 18 years working in the Yellow Page industry. The last 14 or so were as a supervisor, which should earn me some kind of “square peg in a round hole” award. More about that later. My sweet wife, Rebecca, won’t let me use the “r” word, and I’m certainly not ready to retire, financially or emotionally. I’m going back to trying to earn a living with my wits and my creative skills. One of the things that I’m going to try to do is web design. So another reason I’ve rekindled this site is to learn WordPess. And finally there’s the faint hope of making a few bucks off my efforts here. After all if Dooce can get rich talking about her constipation, I should be able to make a few bucks with my opposing digestive complaints.

Why “Horizontal Ambition?” Check out the Manifesto.

So wish me luck in my not-retirement as I explore other opportunities! Oh, and those banner images? Not much related to anything, they’re just holding a place until I come up with an appropriately cool and hip graphic.