Daily Archives: March 29, 2004

OK, I know some of you would rather have a boil lanced by a drunken friend with a rusty nail than watch sports, but….Did anyone see the NCAA commercial, one of those split screen one about student-athletes, that featured the woman softball catcher. They do this tight shot of her flashing signals, like in close on her crotch and she’s doing the 2 finger V signal. I couldn’t help but think of Kingpin. Anyway, sort of obscene.
Which reminds me. I was in the can at work washing my hands and the soap dispenser sort of exploded on me and got that creamy white soap all over my shirt. The guy standing next to me at the sink takes one look and says, “There’s Something About Mary.
Also, that Ciaga commercial…the one with the four hour erection warning. It also says that a side effect might be “delayed back pain.” You know when you get older it’s wise not to attempt some of those more ambitious positions, I guess.
I’m going to be so late for work and I don’t care. Wait, I’m the boss, it doesn’t matter.