Daily Archives: March 24, 2004

Looking out the back window over my computer I have to wonder, who took the color out of the world? It’s a gray day in the Twin Towns.

This is my last work day of the week. I’m taking Thursday and Friday off so Beck and I can practice being retired empty nesters. I’m hoping to get a project done, like having sex in every room in the house. Or something like that.
We went to see the Gophers move to the Sweet 16 last night. Our seats are in the second row of the upper level, right behind press row. Patrick Reusse, the columnist for the StarTribune, in the opinion of some the best sports writer in town, was sitting right in front of us. It was fascinating to watch him write his story as the game progressed. One thing I know is that he’s the fastest two finger typist I’ve ever seen. The game started late, so I’m sure that he had to get it in right after. I’m going to go read it now.