Daily Archives: March 11, 2004

The scoop on the book group. We call ourselves, informally, the Kenwood Book Group. Kenwood/Isles is one of the wealthiest areas of the city, tucked around the Lake of the Isles and north and west of Uptown, over to Mt. Curve which overlooks 394 to the north. Charming old houses, some I guess you would have to call mansions, nestled into the gentle hills and urban forest that surround the lakes. The turnout is usually five to ten people, men and women. No spouses. The penalty for having an affair with another member is expulsion, although we haven’t had to impose it yet. Tonight we had seven people show up. There were two CEO’s, a children’s book illustrator, a college English professor and a low level corporate lacky. The latter being me. I’m kind of the outsider of the group. New Hope isn’t exactly what you’d call a wealthy suburb. We have not yet met at my place, I don’t think they really want to schlepp out to the burbs and I’m a little nervous about how embarrassing it would be for them to try to say something nice about my house.
How the hell did I get in this bunch you ask. Well the illustrator is one of my old animation buddies whose been very successful and whose wife is even more so. Mike Reed. You may be familiar with his work, he’s the creator of the Flame Warriors. He is the founder of the group and really the driving force behind it. He knew that I liked reading Literature with a capital “L,” so he invited me to join. The original plan was to read the “classics” defined by us as literature from before 1960, or something like that. It doesn’t matter because we broke out of those confines within a few months. We’ve read Rusdie, a couple of Faulkners, Roth, and a variety of more obscure fiction. We’ve read some non fiction, we tried the Adams book but most, including me, couldn’t get through it. We have never settled on a process for choosing the next book, or rather we’ve settled on several processes, but have never stuck to any of them. We are an uncontrollable lot. Once we were supposed to go around the circle and each recommend a book. We might have gotten past two people before we were hopelessly lost on a tangent. You would think such successful people would be able to complete a simple group task, but no.
I’ve waffled through the years between dropping out and staying. I feel out of place. These are very bright and well read people. Many are trained in literary criticism, I missed that class. Their insights into the works and their ability to articulate them makes me sometimes feel like a stammering idiot. But I hang on. One reason is that I really like the people. Other than a very few exceptions, they are not ego maniacs. The two CEO’s are very liberal, one of them gets around town on the bus, even in winter. They are compassionate and interesting. I never would have read most of the books had I not been in the group. I don’t often get to participate (however weakly) in that level of discussion very often. And it gives me the chance to see Mike at least once a month. We’ve kind of drifted apart since he’s climbed the social ladder, but he’s still a great friend who’s company I enjoy. Plus, these people put out fabulous spreads of snack food. No cheese whiz yet.
Speaking of levels of discussion, that’s one of the reasons I hang out here. It’s great to hook up with smart, articulate folks of all ages. Not to mention funny! Thanks to all of you who entertain me with your posts and take the time to read and comment on mine.
Peace, bk